Thursday, September 14, 2017

2. Wood Type is an historic resource worthy of curation

Here there are upwards of one and a half million pieces of wood type history.  Most are not on display, but those that are, exist in glassed cabinets that are really quite beautiful.  Because of the glass fronts, not all of these photos will show the splendid detail.   Again, if you can, visit the museum!  You won't be disappointed. My recollection of the one font of wood type my father owned was of big, utilitarian block San-serif letterforms that were devoid of any embellishment.  The fonts on display at Hamilton are much different, very much more detailed, ornamented and stylized.   And incredibly old!
Most of this museum's wood type is available to print on the museum's many working printing presses. Working in the museum would be a joy and i fully intend to take them up on their offer to use their resources, which include instruction and materials!   I believe the cost was $125 a day, but call to verify.

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